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Managing Anxiety in Times of Transition: A Therapist’s Guide to Finding Stability Through Routine


Hey there reader, long time no type. Just like you, my life is a continuous journey filled with transitions, both big and small. Sometimes, these moments of change can often trigger anxiety, especially for women in their mid-20s to mid-30s, who are navigating career shifts, relationships, or even motherhood. In times of transition, finding stability through routine becomes paramount in managing anxiety. As a mental health therapist, I understand the frustrations of trial and error and the temptation to give up. I also understand having a routine and losing it when times feel too heavy and transitions seem never ending. Hence my lack of blog posts. However, I’m back! And in this blog post, I want to offer you guidance, affirmations, and support as you seek to create a routine (or bring back your previous routine) that brings comfort and ease to your anxious brain.

Let’s start with Recognizing the Power of Routine:

Routine provides a sense of predictability and order in our lives, which can go a long way in reducing anxiety. Because if you didn’t know, anxiety FEEDS off of unpredictability and fear of the unknown. When you are beginning or in the midst of a transition, many things can seem unknown, therefore anxiety can easily swoop in and take control. By establishing consistent patterns for daily activities, such as waking up and going to bed at the same time, establishing meal times, and incorporating self-care practices, you are creating a stable foundation for your mental well-being. The more control you can find in your daily life, the less space anxiety can take up.

Second, Embrace Trial and Error:

Finding the ideal routine that suits your unique needs can be a process of trial and error. What works for one person may not work for another. GREAT! Just what you wanted to hear when you already feel overwhelmed and anxious. BUT, let’s understand that it's okay to experiment and make adjustments along the way. If you can just start with the basics of waking up and going to bed around the same time (1-2 hours in fluctuation), then you’re already creating a routine! Then add in some baby steps like always drinking a glass of water when you wake up and before you go to bed, then adding eating breakfast and dinner at the same time, then follow the same skin care steps… then BOOM! You’re establishing the trail of creating a routine. Before you add each new step, ask yourself “How did that work with my schedule?” If it works well, keep it going. If it didn’t, where else can you fit that step OR do we scrap it and try something else? Persistence and patience are key as you navigate through various strategies and activities to find what resonates with you.

Third, Consistency Breeds Comfort:

Consistency is the key to reaping the benefits of routine. While it may feel frustrating at times, it's important to stick with your routine even during difficult days. This is why I suggest starting with baby steps. Start with tasks you ALREADY do, like waking up, eating, drinking water, and going to bed. Consistency breeds a sense of comfort and familiarity, allowing you to better manage anxiety during times of transition. Trust the process, knowing that your dedication to maintaining a consistent routine will yield positive results.

Fourth, Affirmations to Keep You Going:

In moments of doubt, it's crucial to remind yourself of your strength and resilience. Does that feel cheesy and like it won’t work? Affirmations are just another word for “changing how you think.” Neuroplasticity is when your brain forms new neural pathways, which can help you build resilience and confidence. You can achieve neuroplasticity through affirmations! Affirmations can help reinforce your commitment to finding stability and managing anxiety. Repeat phrases such as "I am capable of adapting to change," "I am deserving of stability and peace," or "I am strong enough to face uncertainty." By internalizing these positive affirmations, you build a mindset that bolsters your ability to overcome challenges.

Lastly, Seek Support and Practice Self-Compassion:

During times of transition, it's ESSENTIAL to surround yourself with a support system that understands and validates your experiences. Lean on friends, family, or a mental health therapist who can offer guidance and compassion. Support can also come from within, as well. Practice neuroplasticity in forming how you speak to yourself too. “I am allowed to make mistakes” “I am learning so much about myself through this transition” “I choose to love myself through these changes regardless of the outcome.” Remember to be gentle with yourself and practice self-compassion. Embrace self-care practices that nourish your mind, body, and soul, ensuring you give yourself the love and care you deserve.

Finding stability through routine amidst transitions may feel daunting at first, but it is a worthwhile journey towards managing anxiety and reclaiming control over your life. Recognize that trial and error frustrations are part of the process, and don’t let giving up on yourself be an option. Repeating affirmations that empower and sustain your belief in yourself will keep you empowered. Seek support and practice self-compassion along the way. Through persistence, patience, and a commitment to finding your own path, you will discover the stability and peace of mind that you deserve.

Dear reader, trust in your ability to adapt, grow, and find stability through routine. Embrace the challenges and changes that come your way, knowing that you possess the inner strength and resilience to overcome any anxiety-inducing transition. You are capable, you are deserving, and you are never alone. The journey may be challenging, but the rewards of finding stability and managing anxiety will truly transform your life.



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